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We create socially sustainable cities and places 

Video from Spiselig Byfest - part of the Urban Sjøfront area development

An interdisciplinary team 

Léva Urban Design is an interdisciplinary team that consults private and public developers on social aspects related to urban and place development. Our strength lies in understanding the connection between physical planning and social sustainability. We place particular emphasis on people and inclusive processes in the shaping of places.  

An interdisciplinary team 

Léva Urban Design is an interdisciplinary team that consults private and public developers on social aspects related to urban and place development. Our strength lies in understanding the connection between physical planning and social sustainability. We place particular emphasis on people and inclusive processes in the shaping of places.  

We provide services in a number of areas within place development

Planning processes and urban development  
Area development and maturation 
Tactical urbanism and temporary design  
Rural development

Selected projects

Holistic rural development strategy 

Many rural municipalities are experiencing population decline and therefore face challenges related to an aging population, reduced tax revenues, increased pressure on public services, and labor shortage for local businesses.  

As a first step in addressing these challenges, Leva was engaged by the Business Council of Bømlo, a Norwegian island, to develop a rural development strategy and action plan. The strategy is based on a review of research on Norwegians’ reasons for migrating domestically combined with comprehensive public consultations, involvement of key local leaders, and a range of analyses related to place development. Learn more about the strategy here: 

Urban Living Lab

We have found that being physically present in the field is important for understanding any given place, not least its social networks. For the purpose of investigating how to best engage with a local community, we are testing the method of establishing an Urban Living Lab. Designed by LÉVA, the Lab is being put up in Holmlia, a suburb of Oslo. The Lab is intended to be used as both a local meeting place and venue for dialogue and participatory planning in Holmlia. We have equipped it with various tools and amenities for these purposes. The planning and assessment of the Lab is in cooperation with the Norwegian Institute of Transport Economics and the public library Deichman Holmlia.  

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